

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

UnderWater World Langkawi

3rd day in Langkawi. Actually plan hr ni nak nail cable car. Dah smpi stesen dah tapi tgk banner tulis Cable car di tutup hari tu untuk maintenance.. Ok. then have to change the plan. Agenda petang di bawa ke pagi. Underwater world.. here we come..

Entry Fees dia mahal gak. boleh refer kat sini. http://www.underwaterworldlangkawi.com.my/fees.html.
Tapi di sebabkan My sister ni warga PPUM (Gov ). So kite guna rate dia je la. Klu tak Adult RM 30 children RM 20. Disebabkan rate Govt, Dapatla. Adult RM 24 Children RM 13. Senior Citizen RM 24.

First Section : The Sub - Antartic Section

Now, we move to next section. Tropical Rainforest. Boleh tgk live. qaisarah paling suka tengok Burung Kakak tua. Colourful.

Next, The Temparate Section. kat sini  boleh tgk penguin.. Ala yang macam dalam citer Madagascar tu. Mmg Sama..

Next Fresh water and marine Section. 

Seronok leh tgk Big Fish atas kepala tu.. same like Aquaria But This much more Fun.

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